About Us

We Are the sagara yoga studio in Bratislava

Our Story

Started in 2018

SAGARA is a sanskrit word mean Ocean

The ocean teaches us that we are all connected. Everything we do echoes into the universe, and even the smallest changes can build into a positive life momentum.

Yoga Sagara Bratislava was established in October 2018. The foundation of our studio combines the physical with the inner emotional and spiritual journey. By integrating body, breath, movement and meditative awareness, we promote interdependence of all these aspects in personal health and wellbeing. At Yoga Sagara Bratislava, we use our extensive training and in-depth understanding of the human body and psyche to share and cultivate awareness of one's own practice and life process.



" We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something." 

Mother Theresa
Our Story

Yoga is a Way of Life, not Just a Sport

Yoga isn't considered a sport or physical fitness. Yoga is a lifestyle and a way of living that can give us strength to face our difficult moments in our life. Through our own experience and our past experience with students, we witness all forms of changes in their physical health, mental health and the positive mind state when facing our daily life. The beauty of yoga is not limited to the yoga studio and yoga mat but it can bring us strength to accept all changes and discover our inner hidden power. Our main reason to name our studio "Ocean" is because the ocean itself demonstrates the source of power and the strength. We believe that we all are born with the same power and strength to make our lives beautiful.  We are dedicated to provide a variety of classes, activities and experiences to bring our life to:

  • Healthy Living
  • Positive thinking

  • Proper Relaxation

  • Proper exercise

Our Team

Learn From Our Team of Friendly Professionals

Yoga Instructor & Ayurveda Therapist

Sujith comes from the town of Thrissur in South India Kerala, known as the cradle of Ayurveda. He developed a close relationship with yoga and ayurveda therapies. His first experience as a yoga teacher started in Sivananda Ashram India in 2011. His yoga journey continued to Slovakia, where he started teaching in 2015. You can meet him in classes teaching traditional hatha yoga, packed with many therapeutic and health benefits.

Sujit sa narodil v indickej Kerale ktorej sa zvykne hovoriť “Gods own place” v preklade “Boží domov”.  Jedno z najkrajších miest na svete bolo i Sujithovým domovom, ale aj miestom kde nadobudol vzťah yoge a získal svoju početné znalosti a schopnosti.  Dlhé roky študoval po boku špičkových yogových osobností nielen yogu ale aj Ajurvédsku medicínu.  V Kerale pôsobil od roku 2011 centre Vedanta. Potom sa rozhodol cestovať a rozšíriť svoje pôsobenie do Európy kde učí a pôsobí dodnes. Spomedzi mnohých krajín mu učarovalo aj Slovensko pretože – ako sám hovorí – sú tu láskaví a dobrí ľudia.  Na jeho hodinách zažijete veľmi tradičnú yogu, ktorá sa praktikuje na juhu Indie. Sujith dáva veľký dôraz na správne prevedenie asán a terapeutické účinky yogy. Tiež organizuje početné poznávacie pobyty po celom svete. Je to človek ktorý vyniká múdrosťou a skromnosťou, otvorenosťou a precíznosťou. Presne tieto kvality a mnoho dalších predvedie na svojej hodine. Je sa načo tešiť

Yoga Instructor

Yoga has been an important part of Daniela´s life for over 15 years. During this time, it took various forms, from being a physical exercise to becoming a meditation in motion, as well as a way of learning patience. Deep interest in learning more led Daniela to instructor courses in India and Thailand, and she has not stopped learning about yoga and its effects since then. Daniela believes in a holistic approach and that correct asana and breath work can greatly support the benefits of yoga and thus change the view of ourselves and the world around us. This affects how we communicate with others and most importantly, how we continue our journey from the yoga mat into everyday life.

Daniela´s practice focuses mainly on the classic Hatha yoga, aiming at strengthening and cleansing of the body and mind, as well as the Yin yoga, based on the teachings of meridians from traditional Chinese medicine. In addition to these traditional styles, she is also attracted by its alternatives. Such as acro yoga, which represents a perfect combination of body and mind cooperation and an opportunity to constantly push one's own limits. Similarly, facial yoga brings the possibility of a simple and effective brightening of every person's face. There are so many options for yoga and its teachings.

Joga je neoddeliteľná súčasť Dankinho života už vyše 15 rokov. Počas tej doby mala rôzne podoby, od fyzického cvičenia, cez meditáciu v pohybe, až po spôsob učenia sa trpezlivosti a pokore. Záujem dozvedieť sa viac priviedol Danku k inštruktorským kurzom v Indii a neskôr v Thajsku, odkedy stále pokračuje v jej objavovaní a štúdiu. Danka verí v holistický prístup a v to, že správne prevedenie asán a práca s dychom veľmi podporujú terapeutické účinky jogy a menia pohľad na seba a tým na celý svet.  To zas veľmi vplýva na to ako komunikujeme s ostatnými a čo je najdôležitejšie, pokračujeme vo svojej ceste z jogamatky do každodenného života.

Danka sa vo svojej praxi venuje klasickej Hatha joge, ktorá posilňuje a očisťuje telo a myseľ, ako aj Yin joge, založenej na učení o meridiánoch z tradičnej čínskej medicíny. Okrem tradičnej jogy ju oslovili aj jej alternatívy, ako napríklad akrojoga, ktorá pre ňu predstavuje perfektnú kombináciu práce tela a mysle a možnosť neustále posúvať vlastné limity. Rovnako aj tvárová joga, ktorá prináša možnosť jednoduchého a účinného rozžiarenia tváre každého človeka. Možností spoznať jogu a jej učenie je teda mnoho. 

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